MAHA is accepting applications for the position of Disabled Sports Director. The position provides a great opportunity for the right candidate to assume a rewarding and challenging volunteer position with MAHA. We are looking for someone that can use their drive and skills to promote existing opportunities and help develop new opportunities/programs for the disabled to participate in the great sport of ice hockey. There are six disciplines under Disabled Hockey: Special Hockey, Sled Hockey, Standing Amputee Hockey, Deaf/Hard of Hearing Hockey, Blind Hockey and Warrior Hockey.
In order to help give you a better understanding of the scope of Disabled Hockey, please refer to the USA Hockey website and browse under Disabled Hockey. You will be tasked to assemble and lead a network of volunteers to help administer and grow Disabled Hockey throughout Michigan. We are looking for an energetic and compassionate leader to fill this position. If you are interested please submit a brief resume of your hockey or related sports experience and/or experience working with the disabled to by February 28, 2023.
The duties and responsibilities of a Disabled Hockey Director shall be, but not be limited to, the following:
· Serve as the Disabled Hockey Director and reports to the MAHA Executive Committee.
· Represent all disabled disciplines and teams in Michigan.
· Assist in the development of new teams and the growth of existing organizations in the state of Michigan in the six Disabled Hockey Disciplines: Special Hockey, Sled Hockey, Standing Amputee Hockey, Deaf/Hard of Hearing Hockey, Blind Hockey and Warrior Hockey.
· Build Awareness in the state of Disabled Hockey. Look for events both inside and outside of hockey to be included in. This will help "grow the sport" and offer the opportunity to play hockey to all individuals.
· Work with various local hospitals, schools and other organization that support the disabled to get the word out that hockey is for all and make them aware of the opportunities.
· Encourage all teams within each discipline in Michigan to register with USA Hockey.
· Submit an annual budget for approval to fund disabled sports activities. Manage the budget and implement and manage programs when approved.
· Provide periodic reports to the Board of Directors on the status of current programs, events and other activities taking place in the Disabled Hockey areas.
· Serve as the Michigan representative to the USA Hockey Disabled Section and act as the first contact from Michigan teams/disciplines to the USA Hockey.
· Act as the MAHA/USA Hockey's troubleshooter in for all Disabled Hockey Disciplines and facilitate the resolution of disputes within/between the various member organizations within Michigan and also with any USA Hockey affiliate association(s).
· Attend the USA Hockey Annual Congress and the USA Hockey Winter Meeting annually.
· Attend the meetings of the various disabled member organizations in Michigan when possible.
· Ensure compliance of any MAHA or USA Hockey Bylaws, Rules and Regulations that affect the Disabled Disciplines.
· Disseminate information from MAHA or the USA Hockey national office and any actions of the respective Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
· Forward respective newsworthy items to the USA Hockey national office for publication in the USA Hockey Magazine and website.
· Provide timely information and content to keep the MAHA website updated. Use content and information to promote disabled programs on social media and through other communication channels.
· Assist with the affairs of the Disabled Hockey Section in cooperation with USA Hockey and perform any other duties as may be required by the MAHA President or the chair of the USA Hockey Disabled Section.
For more information about Disabled Hockey, please contact: