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2024 District Director Elections

District Director elections will be held in late March 2024. Nominations must be received by February 1, 2024. Below is a summary of the requirements to become a district director. You can find the complete verbiage in the MAHA Annual Guide under Bylaw 5 Government.

Candidates or all positions:
1) must have been a member in good standing of the MAHA for a two-year period prior to nomination;
2) A person shall not be a candidate for a position as an Officer or Director for more than one MAHA position at a time nor hold more than one voting position within the MAHA.

District  Director Information:

  1. District Directors shall be elected by their constituents to serve three-year staggered terms. Terms shall commence at the conclusion of the Summer Meeting.
  2. District constituents shall be defined as the registered member participants that are claimed by affiliated associations assigned to that district. Unclaimed registered member participants shall be assigned to the district in which they reside.
  3. Each District Council shall appoint an individual to solicit and receive nominations for District Directors. The list of nominees shall be forwarded to the MAHA Secretary by February 1st.
  4. Ballots will be sent to the email address listed on the USA Hockey Registration of the registered member participants. Each nominee for District Director shall be allowed to furnish a resume of their qualifications for office (electronic submission only) up to 250 words, which shall be included in the email and posted on the MAHA web site.
  5. Each registered member participant shall be allowed to cast one vote. Ballots shall be cast electronically. The Secretary shall record the votes cast and submit the results to the MAHA Executive Board for certification.
  6. In the event the number of nominees for District Directors does not exceed the number of Directors to be elected, the nominees shall become Directors-elect and the election process shall be discontinued.
  7. Depending on the number of Directors allowed, the following will be applicable:
  • (a)Highest vote getters in order of number of votes received will become District Directors to the extent of directorships available in the District.
  • (b)If there are not sufficient enough nominees to complete the slate for elections, an election shall still occur to determine the length of term for the nominees running.
  • (c)At the conclusion of the terms prescribed in a and b, all directors will be elected to a three (3) year term as their terms expire. This will provide for one third of the Director positions up for election each year.
  • (d)In the event the number of nominees for District Directors does not exceed the number of Directors to be elected, the nominees shall automatically become and be elected as Directors-elect and the election process shall be discontinued.


To Nominate yourself for District Director Elections

To nominate yourself, you must complete the registration below. You will be asked a series of questions to make sure you are eligible to run and to provide information that we will share with members that are voting so they can have some background information on you.

The Registration "Elections" is not currently available.

2024 Officer Elections & USA Hockey Representatives

In January 2024 the following positions will be up for election:

  • Executive Vice President
  • VP Youth
  • Secretary
  • One USA Hockey Representative position
  1. Eligibility
  1. Candidates or all positions:
    1. must have been a member in good standing of the MAHA for a two-year period prior to nomination; 
    2. A person shall not be a candidate for a position as an Officer or Director for more than one MAHA position at a time nor hold more than one voting position within the MAHA.
  2. Additional eligibility requirements for specific positions shall be shown under the election rules for that position.
  3. The minimum qualifications of the Treasurer shall be as follows:
    1. An understanding of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, evidenced through professional membership, or through employment in the field of Accountancy in such a position as Full Charge Bookkeeper, Assistant Controller, Controller, or similar position.
    2. Participate in a discussion with the current Treasurer and/or President, prior to the acceptance of his or her nomination for the position.  Such discussion will detail the job duties of the Treasurer and the prospective nominee’s ability to faithfully discharge said duties.
    3. Be bondable.


  1. Candidates:
    1. to any office of the Executive Committee must be current or former Directors for a period of not less than three years;
  2. The term of office for these officers is three years. Elections will be held at the Winter meeting of the Board of Directors. The Officers-elect will take office at the conclusion of the following Summer meeting.
  3. Election
  1. The President, all Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected to office by the Board of Directors by a majority vote.
    1. All persons who will be candidates for election as an Officer of the Association shall submit a letter of intent and a resume prepared in the following format to the Secretary of the MAHA by November 30 preceding the Winter meeting. Resumes of announced candidates shall be posted on the website at least 14 days prior to the Winter meeting.
  2. In the event that there are no announced candidates for an office, nominations from the floor will be accepted at the Winter meeting of the Board of Directors.
  3. A candidate for the position of Officer shall be elected by a ballot vote of the Board of Directors. A candidate must receive a majority of the present eligible votes in order to be elected. In the event no one receives a majority of the eligible votes upon the first ballot, the candidate having the least number of votes shall be deleted from the ballot and subsequent ballots shall be taken until one candidate receives the majority of the eligible votes.

Complete the Registration below to be nominated for a position