Effective March 19, 2021, the following protocol has been adopted for this current 2021 try-out season only:
All Tier I and Tier II rosters are frozen until their respective Spring tryout dates, unless otherwise allowed under current MAHA pilot programs.
This includes, but not limited to, teams adding players to current fall rosters, creating a spring roster without a tryout, or a team ending their season to allow new players to participate.
While there is no mandate requiring a team to have a try-out, all players will remain active on their current roster until tryouts. Therefore, players may only continue to participate with their current team until such time the rosters are un-frozen.
Any team having players not on their own active roster on their ice, regardless of a signed letter from the player’s coach, shall be subject to discipline under the MAHA tryout policy and USA Bylaw 10.
Teams may participate in April tournaments using their current fall-season rosters. Teams participating in any tournament should work with the tournaments to allow them to participate in a division with same birth-year players. While MAHA does not recognize the “age up” scenario until try-outs, other affiliates have different rules regarding this scenario.
The current tryout schedule can be found by clicking here.
Any questions contact your local district council.