April 2, 2021
To the Members of our Michigan Hockey Community:
In response to the March 20th, 2021 Interim Guidance for Athletics, issued by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS), the Michigan Amateur Hockey Association (MAHA) has developed an execution plan to fulfill the required testing protocol for athletes (ages 13-19). As indicated in the March 19th MDHHS Epidemic Order, this testing requirement will begin on Friday, April 2nd, 2021. Athletes in this age classification will be required to test 1x weekly, as well as provide verification of completion as necessary.
As you are well aware, our 2020-21 seasonal activities are in the midst of a transitional period. While many teams throughout Michigan are planning for a Spring 2021 hockey season, there are still a considerable number of teams competing in MAHA State Playoffs over the next several weeks. With this in mind, MAHA has drafted a ‘phased’ rollout of the newly-established “MI Safer Sports Testing Program” in order to accommodate all MAHA members, regardless of the status of your season:
PHASE I – MAHA State Playoffs – In preparation for the remaining weeks of the MAHA State Playoffs, the Michigan Amateur Hockey Association is asking all State Playoff participants (ages 13-19) to seek testing in the local community. All participants must provide appropriate documentation, confirming test compliance, that is applicable to the period of participation. This includes:
PHASE II – Associations (Spring / Summer Hockey) – All MAHA associations will be required to enroll in the MI Safer Sports Testing program, if they have teams (ages 13-19) organizing Spring and/or Summer hockey activities. During the enrollment process, associations will confirm their testing plan in order to comply with the March 19th Epidemic Order. Options would include:
NOTE: Regardless of the option chosen, all associations will be responsible for ensuring that participants complete the weekly testing requirements. This includes retrieving appropriate documentation of testing compliance.
PHASE III – Independent Teams (Spring / Summer Hockey) – Independent teams, not directly affiliated with a local association in Michigan, are still required to enroll in the MI Safer Sports program for Spring and/or Summer Hockey if they include participants (ages 13-19). Same as associations, these teams will need to confirm their testing plan in order to comply with the March 19th Epidemic Order. All independent teams will be responsible for ensuring that its participants complete the weekly testing requirements, including retrieval of appropriate documentation of testing compliance.
PHASE IV – Tournaments / Camps – Local tournament and camp organizers will not be required to administer testing as part of their event(s). However, it should be a mandate that participants provided appropriate documentation, confirming test compliance, that is applicable to the period of participation.
All of the documents, links, resources related to the MI Safer Sports Testing Program are available on the COVID-19 page of the MAHA website. For additional information, please visit the MDHHS website.
This is a new program roll-out for all of us. MAHA asks for your continued patience and cooperation as we strive to comply with the MDHHS’s requirements in an effort to suppress the spread of COVID-19 and provide opportunities for our members in the Spring/Summer months. Thank you!