April 10, 2021
Members of the Michigan Hockey Community:
As a follow-up to Friday morning’s communication regarding the status of 2021 State Playoffs, the Michigan Amateur Hockey Association (MAHA) wishes to follow up on all other pending hockey activities.
As previously noted, Governor Whitmer called for a voluntary two-week suspension of all youth sports, in an effort to address a surge in positive cases and hospitalizations related to COVID-19. After careful consideration, MAHA has decided to continue forward with hockey activities as we transition from State Playoffs to Spring 2021. In doing so, we will continue to adhere to the protocols established in the MDHHS MI Safer Sports COVID-19 Testing Program.
In the coming weeks, we will continue to monitor conditions within our hockey community and we will make informed decisions as needed. Per our MAHA Return to Play Standards, we continue to instruct our member associations to notify all applicable parties (including MAHA) of any new positive COVID-19 cases that emerge. If circumstances should dictate a change in direction, we will notify our membership with new information. Furthermore, MAHA expects all member associations to respect any decisions, made by membership, to not participate based on the Governor’s recommendation.
Once again, we thank you for your continued patience and cooperation. See you at the rink!