June 22nd, 2021
To the Members of our Michigan Hockey Community:
The Michigan Amateur Hockey Association (MAHA) is pleased to announce that, per the June 17th, 2021 MDHHS Rescission of Emergency Orders, organized sports gathering restrictions, face mask mandates and testing requirements are lifted as of Tuesday, June 22nd.
Please be aware that local government, or private rink facilities, may reserve the right to maintain restrictions applicable to its location. Furthermore, any local associations or rinks employing personnel would have to comply with any MIOSHA requirements still in effect for the workplace. Details on these requirements can be found on the MIOSHA website.
The Michigan Amateur Hockey Association (MAHA) sincerely thanks its statewide membership for its ongoing patience and support, over the course of a very challenging year. We ask that all families have a safe, enjoyable summer and we look forward to seeing you back at the rink again soon!